Monday, July 19, 2010

back in AZ, Phoenix is next!

You only realize how far NYC is from Tucson once you go there and back within 72 hours! Though a blur, we kicked off the summer 2010 WHA HOF show in NJ this past weekend with great success. I'll have lots of photos, stories and video online later this week when I catch my breath.

This next weekend we hope to meet with former WHA-ers in Phoenix, in preparation for our next public event, the big Whalers reunion and WHA HOF induction ceremonies in Hartford on August 14.

And the new Jets-Aeros DVD set has arrived, and I''l try to get the order form online at the site by July 20. The WHA league DVD set is @ 2 weeks away from being available, too.

OK, I gotta go unpack my bags now and get some sleep!

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