Tuesday, July 27, 2010

600 new photos at the WHA HOF !

After much effort and expense we have now added more than 600 vintage photos to WHAhof.com -- including galleries of all the 1970s WHA hockey cards plus color action photos and a selection of WHA team portrait photos.

We'll turn next to a substantial black-and-white photo collection and also more color photos -- when we catch our breath after the month of WHA HOF events in August.

So -- if you view this free web site and appreciate our efforts, we invite you to support the volunteer WHA HOF by donating any sum to us through the PayPal link on the main page or contact page.

Or -- please support our efforts and buy some of our brand new DVDs and other WHA HOF items.

The WHA HOF can only continue with the support of the real hockey fan. We know from the web statistics (and e-mail from fans) that WHAhof.com is being viewed by MANY fans. To keep this site free and to pay for its cost we need your support.

OK, I'm off the soap box now, and back to work for the August events in Hartford, Winnipeg & Cleveland! See you there...

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