Monday, May 10, 2010

big week for the WHA HOF

Just got off the phone with WHA All-Star Robbie Ftorek. Robbie was one of the most explosive offensive stars of the WHA, one of my first American-born hockey heros, and was a WHA league MVP, too. Hockey fans would recognize him, of course, behind the bench over the past decases as an NHL head coach. Robbie is another of the WHA stars who is helping us with the WHA HOF, as we'll announce soon!

We're finalizing another big event for the WHA HOF this week. After months of behind-the-scenes work, in the next few weeks we hope to launch a slew of new developments publicly. It'll seem this all has happend at once, but it's been many months in the works.

Many thanks again to all the former WHA players and staff who are making this possible!

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