Friday, April 23, 2010

more WHA news soon

Hi all, I haven't been around here much lately because we are in the final stages of creating some exciting news for the WHA HOF. I'll be able to post details here soon, so hang tight...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

more new WHA hockey cards!

The "In The Game" copmany has released a new set of WHA goaltender player cards -- their third year in a row with their "Rival League" series. There are 10 cards in this year's set, including one of my personal faves -- Gary Inness from my Indianapolis Racers. Several newly elected members of the WHA Hall of Fame are also included in the various sets...

While the first two years of these cards were better designed, ITG should be applauded for releasing these new WHA cards at all! One of my only complaints is a teeth-grinder -- the company spells incorrectly the city name "Indianapolis" on this year's Racers card! ARGHHH! (You can see the card on the whaRACERS site link in the above headline...)

If any fans see new WHA cards, posters, photos or other materials, lplease et us know!

seeking WHA artifacts

We're hard at work locating more WHA artifacts for museum displays being designed for locations in Canada and the US -- so all former WHA players and fans are urged to contact us about any materials you could be willing to loan or donate to our displays. Many great WHA HOF developments to announce publicly soon!